During the Citrix Summit 2015 in Las Vegas Citrix officially announced the next version of the XenMobile solution, called XenMobile 10. Monday 19 January finally came the long awaited Tech Preview XenMobile version available for Partners. This article will give you a clear view of all the steps required during Installing Xenmobile 10 which was released today!


Citrix XenMobile is delivered as a single appliance (combining MDM/MAM) which needs to be imported into your hypervisor. The appliance is available for XenServer, HyperV & VMware.

Console Password
After the appliance is imported and powered on a first time wizard starts, guiding you through the setup. First you’ll need to configure an console Admin account, not to be confused with the web Administrator account. This account is only being used to access the appliance from the console:


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During the implementation of various XenMobile sites I notice several customers run into the same problems. Problems and question which are being asked at the support forums as well. Sharing my “Lessons learned” hopefully helps others while doing deployments of Citrix XenMobile.

Pre-Installation Checklist

In many cases a pre-installation checklist is a nice to have, but not really necessary for installing a product. In case of Citrix XenMobile this is an absolute must have, before starting the project. There are many dependencies, without it you are not able to do a efficient installation.

Make use of the Pre-Installation Checklist Citrix offers !

Test Hardware
Get hold of a test device, it’s not convenient to use your own production device during the test / installation fase. Several XDM deployments use different ROOT CA’s, which are not able to work next to each other. First you have to deleted your current profiles, before you can re-enroll the device to a different environment. Durings configuration and tests I would also like to test the geo-fencing options, including a full-wipe of the device. Not something you would want to test on your own production device.

Get a test device for every platform you need to support

Apple Mac OS X
To manage iOS and Android applications from within the AppController, applications (.ipa/apk) need to be wrapped. For wrapping applications Citrix provides the MDX Toolkit, which unfortunately only runs on Mac OS X. The MDX Toolkit doesn’t work on a virtualized Mac OS X, you need real Apple hardware for this.

The MDX Toolkit requires a Mac Mini, MacBook Air, or other Mac Device

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Last week I upgraded our production XenMobile environment to version 8.7, after which I wanted to enroll a Windows 8.1 RT. Unfortunately there is no Worx Home application in the Windows Store, nor does Citrix offer a WorxMail of WorxWeb client. The Windows 8.1 enroll process is slightly different than a iOS of Android device and can be found in the eDocs. Ok, let’s enroll a Windows 8.1 RT and let us see what we can do with it.

Click “Settings”                                                               Click “Change PC Settings”

XD87-016    XD87-017

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Recently Citrix released XenMobile 8.7 which includes updates and enhancements to the following components: App Controller, Device Manager, WorxHome, and WorxMail. The complete overview can be found in Citrix eDocs. In addition to the support of the Dutch language in WorxHome & WorxMail we have several users equipped with a Windows 8.1 RT tab, which couldn’t be managed by the previous version 8.6. We decided to be a early adaptor and upgrade our existing environment! The recommended upgrade order for the several components is:

  1. Netscaler (NS)
  2. XenMobile Device Manager (XDM)
  3. XenMobile Netscaler Connector (XNC)
  4. XenMobile AppController (XAC)
  5. MDX Toolkit to wrap .ipa & .apk files (WorxMail/WorxWeb)

This article will only cover upgrading XenMobile Device Manager 8.7 & XenMobile AppController 2.10.

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