Apple OSX users sometimes experience an incorrect keyboard layout loaded within their Citrix session. As a result, special characters are often located in different places. The cause of this issue is that Apple has a different keyboard layout compared to Windows, leading to an Apple US-international keyboard being recognized as a Dutch keyboard in Windows.

How to identify your Apple keyboard layout by country or region

Some time ago, we conducted extensive research together with Citrix Support to investigate the cause of this issue and whether there are possibilities to change this behavior. Unfortunately, it has been found that this behavior cannot be changed through a central solution. This behavior can only be altered by making adjustments on a per OSX system basis. This guide provides detailed instructions on what needs to be adjusted.

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Today I finally received a new laptop (HP Elitebook 8760W) which is on the Citrix XenClient HCL. Due to a ‘small’ primary SSD disk (160GB) I exchanged the cd-rom device for a additional harddisk, to store additional virtual machines. Without the cd-rom drive I had to install Citrix XenClient 2.1 with a bootable USB Key. Creating a bootable USB Key was pretty straight forward:

  • Download Universal USB Installer
  • Download Citrix XenClient 2.1 ISO
  • Start Universal USB Installer
    • Step 1: Try Unlisted Linux ISO (New Syslinux)
    • Step 2: Select the XenClient ISO
    • Step 3: Select your USB Key
    • Step 4: Select Format Drive
    • Step 5: Hit Create !

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